Monthly Archives: February 2017

the pain of cutting is easier to bear than childhood emotonal pain

One of Steven Levenkron’s storytellers told him that cutting was like medicine for her fears, because the psychological pain of the abuse is greater than the pain of the mutilation. Cutting also gives the victim control over who inflicts the pain, in contrast to the powerlessness experienced when being raped.

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cutting to relieve emotional pain

The child seeks love and gets abuse. It needs love, and gets cruelty. The child’s psyche withers in the barrenness of rejection, as it carries the fear created by its powerlessness and inability to defend its boundaries. Sexual abuse can bring on eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, as well as

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child sexual abuse is generally perpetrated by men

Research indicates that child sexual abuse is mainly perpetrated by men. Neither can we assume that sexual abuse in lone parent families is committed by mothers. Children may be more at risk from visiting males in such family structures. Nevertheless, apart from rape, we now believe that female sexual abuse

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Posted in abuse, Child Abuse

Child sexual abuse within families

Sexual abuse within the family (incest) is a hidden sickness, facilitated by isolation and threats. Mic Hunter classifies incestuous fathers in several ways. The most common type of abuser is the one who is dependent on his family to satisfy his sexual and emotional needs. This type is over-controlling and

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