Monthly Archives: July 2018

Older people may wrongly regard anger as a sin

There are also involuntary situations that provoke healthy anger, which is, for example, one of the most important feelings in the grief process. It is more likely that older people suffer bereavement and these are the very ones who may regard anger as sinful, especially if it is directed at

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Posted in anger

If you cannot access normal anger you can’t defend yourself.

we can argue that anger is a protection mechanism. It can protect us from being exploited or harmed. Marcia Cannon, in her book, The Gift of Anger describes it as a power boost that enables us to stand up for ourselves in certain situations where we are in danger, to

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Posted in anger

Older people learned in school that anger was a sin

At one time Ireland brought a religio-cultural dimension to anger. Older Irish people up to the 1970s learned from their catechism that anger was a sin, and not just a sin, but one of the seven capital or deadly sins. This became ingrained in us. Although I attended school in

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Posted in anger

Anger Coming from an Insecure Attachment

Many people who had an insecure attachment in childhood carry anger as adults, some of it intensely evident and some latent. I have, however, met people who suffered neglect in childhood, who assured me that they did not feel anger and I believed them. Sometimes during a counselling session the

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Posted in anger