Monthly Archives: August 2018

Explosive and implosive anger

If you wish to get a deeper insight into the damaging impact of anger on your body, you might like to consult Garry Chapman’s book, Anger. Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way. He explains that as the angry feeling emerges and intensifies, the heart pumps faster and drives

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Be aware of the type of anger you have

Anger can also be categorised as explosive or implosive and someone who is constantly angry without good reason, carries the burden of toxic anger. Explosive anger is a violent outburst and can also vary in intensity, ranging from mild annoyance to a very strong feeling of rage, where it is

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We cannot help having toxic anger, but it is our responsibility not to vent it on others

While we can explain the creation of toxic anger and see it as a burden, we must also realise how harmful it is to those who bear the brunt of it. It is the engine which drives abuse of all kinds -verbal, psychological, physical, sexual, or financial. Abuse may be

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The anger of a child turns inward and becomes core to re-emerge in adulthood

The human is born with hope, curiosity and love, but when an infant’s dependency needs are not met these turn to ashes, and toxic or core anger is one of the external signs of fear of abandonment. Initially, the faces of angry infants are contorted and crimson as they rage,

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