Monthly Archives: September 2019

It is vital for you to have a voice if you have a partner with toxic jealousy

Assertiveness when dealing with bullies can also be shown in a practical way. Your controlling partner will be very interested in your social network sites such as Facebook, and his jealousy will prompt him to frequently check your conversations and contacts. You can prevent this by concealing your passwords. This

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Posted in jealousy

You must be assertive with a bully/controller/abuser/narcissist

When you understand the controlling personality, the complexity of jealousy and the irrationality of your partner trying to make you jealous, you can then consider your options. You have choices. You can remain and be subject to jealous outbursts where your freedom is curtailed and you are walking on eggshells,

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Posted in jealousy

Controlling partners try to make you jealous because of their own inherent fear of abandonment. The feel inferior and hence use jealous behaviour to isolate you.

It is helpful to consider the irrational train of thought of your jealous partner and the behaviour that follows from this. You will, for example, notice the irony of how he tries to make you jealous. This comes from his fear of abandonment and this behaviour is one of the

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Posted in jealousy

If you have a partner with core or toxic jealousy there is little chance he or she will change.

What to do if you have an irrationally jealous partner, who refuses to do something about his or her jealousy? In the case of toxic jealousy, this will involve a long, difficult and sometimes fruitless struggle that takes patience, knowledge and determination. If you are in a relationship with a

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Posted in jealousy