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It is difficult to change a mutually abusive relationship

As I mentioned earlier, about 45% of abusive relationships are bilateral, or mutually abusive. One of you may ultimately feel that you cannot go on living like this, and perhaps begin the process of trying to change the abusive relationship. This is a major task, and it is unlikely that

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It is hard to leave a relationship even an abusive one, but it is necessary.

As a victim, you may harbour a whole range of fears based on your situation. You possibly fear the legal road you may have to take to disentangle the strands of your marriage. The system is adversarial and centred around the legal profession itself, rather than the clients. I have

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Posted in abuse

Remaining in or Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Remaining in or Leaving an Abusive Relationship Shackled forever? Never to leave the prison? Never to find the key? Never to breathe the air of freedom? Never to find self-expression? Never to be? Always lost? Always leashed? Always rejected? Never loved? Always caring for the unlovable? No escape from lash

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Posted in abuse