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The love and attention of fathers’ is vital to male children

You have seen how one of Jason’s issues was fear of abandonment, and the following excerpt shows how significant his insecure attachment to his father was, and how it impacted on him, breeding shame, hurt, jealousy, discord, fear, depression, low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, and a stubborn desire for his father’s

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Posted in attachment, fear of abandonment
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Fear of abandonment makes it difficult to properly separate from what is familiar

The quality of the poem (quoted in the last blog), art or piece of writing is irrelevant. What is important is how you can see your shame, reject it, and find some element of control over it. There is nothing more effective in stifling your creativity and willingness to learn

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Posted in attachment, fear of abandonment
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fear of abandonment is the core of an insecure attachment to a caregivers or caregivers

We rarely think about fear of abandonment, yet it underlies many of our psychological problems. It is the core of an insecure attachment, breeding the negative belief I am not good enough. It is a spectrum issue, running along a scale from mild to severe. Dealing successfully with fear of

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Posted in insecure attachment