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cutting to relieve emotional pain

The child seeks love and gets abuse. It needs love, and gets cruelty. The child’s psyche withers in the barrenness of rejection, as it carries the fear created by its powerlessness and inability to defend its boundaries. Sexual abuse can bring on eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, as well as

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Child sexual abuse within families

Sexual abuse within the family (incest) is a hidden sickness, facilitated by isolation and threats. Mic Hunter classifies incestuous fathers in several ways. The most common type of abuser is the one who is dependent on his family to satisfy his sexual and emotional needs. This type is over-controlling and

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sexual abuse of any type should never be minimised or condoned

All abuse has a damaging impact on victims. The type, extent, and duration of the abuse are some of the factors that determine the level of suffering endured by the victim. I believe that sexual abuse, which breaches the most personal and sacred boundaries has the greatest impact of all,

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some sections of society are more vulnerable to sexual abuse

Family members should be aware of the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse of their elderly relatives. These include being withdrawn, reporting sexual assault, and venereal disease or genital infections. Unexplained genital or anal bleeding, torn, stained or bloody underclothing, and bruises around the breasts or genitals, are also signs

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some segments of society suffer frequent sexual abuse

Certain segments of the population are more vulnerable to sexual abuse. These include prisoners (male and female), homeless women, disabled women, elderly women, and female sex workers (prostitutes). Prisoners are in a powerless situation, and are often preyed upon by those in power. Many have suffered sexual abuse prior to

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sexual abuse should never be trivialised

The euphemistically titled date rape is also a common experience. Date rape, also called acquaintance rape, is perpetrated not just by dating partners but also by acquaintances, friends, or co-workers. Some perpetrators spike the victim’s drink with drugs like Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate, or Ketamine Hydrochloride that act quickly and

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sexual controllers are not interested in the needs of their victims

The abuser’s sexual and power needs, as he envisages them, are all important, and the needs of the victim are sidelined. Sometimes victims are forced to watch pornography as a pretext for learning sexual practices to satisfy the abusers’ ‘needs’. Abusers sometimes force victims to become involved in pornographic videos

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Sexual abuse is not just about rape

Many people think that the only type of sexual abuse is rape. But, it is far more complex, and includes any form of non-consensual sexual contact or non-touching sexual behaviour. It also encompasses unwanted sexual language or exploitative behaviour. It includes rape, molestation, sexual assault, and any sexual behaviour with

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Sexual abusers are generally known to the victims of abuse.

Like all abusers, sexual abusers have no concept of boundaries so they invade with impunity. Often their boundaries are sexualised. This situation leads to sexual addictions like pornography, exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, indecent behaviours, and serious sexual crimes. Henry Cloud and John Townsend describe this abuser as ‘a tyrant,

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sexual abuse is another way to control a person

Sexual Abuse From soul-depth Suffocated By invasion- stench. Nauseated By skin-smell. Shamed By foul-destruction Of self. To tear skin off Reveal bare bones Scour flesh To rid the sour taste Of foul infection Resting Within soul. Jim O’Shea When I was a teenager in the Ireland of the 1960s, sex

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Posted in abuse, sexual abuse