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Social Anxiety is a Huge Obstacle for Third Level Students

Jason, the case study of my book, lost friends due to his fear and avoidance, but resolved to move in with friends from home. He found new excuses to avoid facing the fact that this was now a deep rooted coping mechanism with detrimental results, particularly in attending lectures. As

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Posted in social fear

Social Anxiety can be general or Specific. It is a serious complaint

In the last blog I looked at how to assess the seriousness of you social anxiety. Martin Antony and Richard Swinson in their book, The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook, suggest a simple technique for self-assessing the seriousness of your social anxiety, where you can measure on a scale from

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Posted in social anxiety, social fear

Particular types of parenting can sow the seeds of social anxiety

Seeing a pattern of pathological issues in the ancestry and wider family is not at all about blaming them or blaming parents, most of whom do the best they can. Nevertheless, we must be realistic, and it can be safely argued that particular types of parenting can unintentionally sow the

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Posted in parenting

The psychological feeling of defectiveness can translate into body image problems

In the previous blog I mentioned body image problems. Randy and Lori Sansone in their article, Body Image, have come up with an enlightened explanation of body image issues. They suspect that negativity tends to be concretized on a body level in shamed children. In other words psychological negativity is

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Posted in body image, social fear

Body image problems can be part of social fear (bred by attachment issues)

While social fear is a silent and invisible saboteur, albeit with obvious anxiety symptoms, the negative thinking that drives it is very often translated into obsession with body image. You are conscious about how you look, blame yourself for these so-called imperfections, and become distracted, while others are oblivious to

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Posted in body image, body image

Social fear is a constant destructive presence

Essentially, therefore, social fear is about oversensitivity of being judged, criticized or rejected by others; being acutely self-conscious and feeling embarrassed or humiliated. Barbara Markway, a psychologist in Jefferson City and an expert on social fear, makes the interesting point that people with social fear not only dread disapproval, but

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Posted in social fear

Social anxiety destroys your life

Jason was mistaken if he thought that his fear would depart when he began working. It intensified and destroyed any attempt at happiness. “I would do my work to a high standard but I would lunch by myself, in a place away from work where my colleagues wouldn’t see me.

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Posted in social fear

Social anxiety is crippling.

In my case study, Jason’s main issue was social fear coming from fear of abandonment and an insecure attachment to his father. It was his main presenting issue. His narrative shows how utterly disabling it can be, how it encourages avoidance, interferes with normal functioning and interferes with self-care. “By

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Posted in social fear

Generalised and specific social anxiety

John R. Marshall, Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UCLA School of Medicine, is one of the pioneers in using medication to deal with social fear. In his book, Social Phobia. From Shyness to Stage Fright, he divides it into two categories, specific and generalised. Some people fear situations

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Posted in social fear