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Understanding your social anxiety better

There are ways to assess how serious your social fear is and to examine its particular underlying causes. The following list of questions will help to clarify this – Has the fear fettered you and limited your capacity to make friends? Can you list the reality and the details of

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Posted in social anxiety

Social anxiety has different components

Gillian Butler correctly sums up the components of social fear as thinking and behaviour, with physical and emotional symptoms. Thinking symptoms include consciousness of other people’s opinion of you, lack of concentration, focusing on yourself and worrying about what might go wrong. Behavioural symptoms might be avoiding social occasions, mumbling,

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Posted in social anxiety

Beauty magazines can increase our body image problems

The body image dimension of social fear is strongly affected by culture. Because of the fear, you are vulnerable to how some modern magazines portray the ideal in terms of physical beauty. Such magazines are a powerful trigger to make you conscious of physical defects. The so-called beauty industry is

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Posted in body image

Social anxiety.

In my last blog I looked at using a diary to address our thoughts, feelings and behavours in relation to fear of failure and how my own fear of failure was preventing me from applying for a particular job. Yet despite my fears, I found fulfilment in my life as

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Posted in social fear