when a child dies. footsteps of a grieving family. book available from veritas, amazon and bookshops

Only months later, when we were talking about that day in

Dublin, did I connect it to the affliction that was about to

visit our family the following day. My daughter, Breda, had a

much more startling experience beginning on Friday 16th.

She was living in London at the time, and planned an early

night in bed having had a busy week at work. Her entry in her

diary explains what happened:

 I went to bed & for some reason I couldn’t sleep &

started to have an odd feeling that something bad was

going to happen. I tossed & turned & eventually gave

up & lay on my back when suddenly something caught

my eye, & looking up at the light (which was off) I could

clearly see a bright crystal-like object, white strands of

light joined together haphazardly in no particular form

or shape, moving strands, yet not moving from the

position over the lampshade. Normally I would have

been frightened & would have jumped out of bed & ran

for the nearest person, but I felt peaceful & went to

sleep almost immediately.

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