Monthly Archives: January 2016

Don’t underestimate the damage verbal abuse does

The effects of verbal abuse are serious, and like all cases of abuse become more intense over time. Recovery from verbal abuse seems to take much longer than from physical abuse, because the core self is assaulted and wounded. It often happens that the victim becomes used to and adapts

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Victims of verbal abuse are severely wounded and humiliated

Verbal abusers use all their verbal skill to confuse, control and disarm their victims. They are blatantly unfair, they rule out any opposing viewpoint, and they make the victim feel stupid. They distort the victim’s judgment and make them feel that there is something wrong with them. They make statements

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Words can confuse, seem caring yet damage the self-esteem of another.

Education increases the facility abusers have with words. They have a rapier-like capacity to inflict verbal abuse, some of it extremely subtle. As Cathy Meyer says, not all words meant to hurt are ugly words. An ‘expert’ at verbal abuse can damage the self-esteem of another, and yet appear to

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Posted in abuse, verbal abuse

Many see verbal abuse as worse than physical

Verbal abuse is so tormenting because the facility to praise and express love is used to denigrate and insult. For example, Linda went from being a beautiful desirable wife to a ‘boring old hag’. The contrast is devastating, and the constant name-calling savage – “I was called things like a

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Verbal Abuse

Verbal Abuse Nurtured in the furnace of shame, The abuse-foetus grows, Silent, Strong And lies in wait, Fed on the poison of rejection, Never good enough, Never loved enough, Unlovable, And then it stirs And Strikes, And paralyses. And leaves the eternal scar. Hidden. How it rings eternally in your

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