we all have meaning in our lives

The meaning in the death of a child often lies in dying
rather than living. As adults we find meaning in our religion,
in our vocations, in our many relationships, in our
philanthropy, and in our philosophy. But the impact of losing
a child has an enormously greater impact on us than any of
the above. Witness the huge numbers that attend the funeral
of a dead child. It evokes some deep emotion in the human
soul. It changed my life. I became intensely conscious of how
people feel when suffering the pain of loss. Up to Cathal’s
death I would not have known. Now I am able to empathise
with those who are suffering loss. I understand what it may
mean. I have always loved my children, but following his
death I became even more conscious of how precious they
are. That is the meaning that I attach to Cathal’s death. It is,
I know, a very high price to pay for such qualities. I would
prefer not to have paid it. But he died and I am a better
person. I would prefer to be a worse person and have him
back. But that is not to be.

When a Child Dies. Footsteps of a Grieving Family. Published by Veritas

Posted in Bereavement Grief and Loss, Complicated Grief, Death of a Child
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