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Abuse is like a jigsaw that confuses the victim.

Many victims leave when they begin to see the pattern that underpins abuse, and the deliberate campaign to undermine and control becomes apparent. One of my clients compared it to a jigsaw. When the jigsaw is fragmented victims are lost in confusion, but as the pieces are assembled, they become

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Children should never be left in an environment where one parent abuses the other

If there are children in an abusive household, I believe that it is imperative to leave. Some people, including some researchers, feel that it is best to leave children in an abusive parental relationship, than suffer the trauma of leaving and losing a parent. I do not agree with this

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Children should not be exposed to abuse in any household

While recognising why people remain in abusive relationships, I consider it unethical as a counsellor to support them over a long period in such a relationship. The role of the counsellor is for the well-being of his clients, and I think it is wrong to collude with them in remaining

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The abusive personality neutralises feelings of guilt.

Thankfully, elder abuse is generally no longer occurring under the radar, although another common type of physical abuse is rarely mentioned. It is the abuse and intimidation of entire families in a social setting. ‘Neighbours from hell’ are master abusers, and intimidate, for example, by pulling shrubs, invading property, kicking

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The nature of physical abuse

It may be difficult for those who have never experienced abuse to believe that such barbarous acts can happen in an intimate relationship. However, the list of physical abuse is long and horrifying. Physical abusers strike, punch, shove, and slap. They may hit their victims with objects or throw objects

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Domestic violence can bring serious injury

Other women tell stories that show violence that is more obvious. Elaine Weiss’s blog contains stories of women knocked unconscious by blows to the face sufficiently powerful to send them hurtling across the room. Another story reveals how a man scratched his name on different parts of his wife’s body.

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A threat of violence is physical abuse

Physical abuse violently breaches safety boundaries, humiliates the victim, and demeans the abuser. when looking at boundaries we saw the skin as our most basic boundary. Physical abuse is a blatant and evident battering of this boundary, and is any physically aggressive behaviour, withholding of physical needs, indirect physical harm,

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The angry inner child in the adult’s body

These mind games confuse victims so much that they begin to manifest battered person’s syndrome, the first stage of which is denial. Denying that there is a problem, the victim often makes excuses for the abuser. The second stage is guilt, when she takes on the responsibility for being beaten.

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Abusive behaviour has three phases

Abusive behaviour itself is also cyclical. Dubbed “the battering cycle”, this recognized phenomenon recurs as a pattern within families. Connie Fourré in her blog, Finding Your Way Through Domestic Abuse, labels abuse as occurring in stages. Stage one is the honeymoon phase, where the abuser is kind and thoughtful, exhibiting

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Domestic violence is extensive but rarely reported

Thangam Debbonaire’s extensive study of battering programmes in Ireland shows that there were 10,248 recorded incidents of domestic violence reported to the police in 2002, and only a minority of these resulted in a court conviction. The 2010 MEND (Men Ending Domestic Abuse) report holds that 15% of women and

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